• Doris Olafsen

    Co-Dreamer / Co-Founder

    Dreaming and believing that dreams do come true drove Doris forward as together with Ray, they imagined a world full of creativity, hope and JOY. Known as a catalyst – and sometimes disturber – a connector and collaborator, Doris has spent a lifetime helping to ensure what if’s become realized. Her passion and enthusiasm have helped countless people and organizations live up to their God-given potential, and if you had coffee with her today, her closing comment would be, “I am just getting started!”

  • Travis Olafsen

    Ray’s Boy / President

    A gifted and creative communicator, a protector and caregiver, loyal to a fault, Travis has always been that advocate for the one that is invisible to others. He has a passion for giving a voice to those that are voiceless, and he knows that the Joyful Living Joyful Giving Foundation is about helping others achieve that reality. A social and business entrepreneur at heart, Travis is looking forward to empowering others through the Joyful Living Joyful Giving Foundation. Travis has a grip on the plight of the marginalized and the less than.

  • Jesse Mauel

    Ray’s Princess / Treasure

    From the day she arrived on planet earth, Jesse has been dubbed the joy-giver – as a child, teen and then into her adult years, Jesse has always found her way forward by bringing joy into the life of others. And it was that joy that propelled her travels around the globe and her service of others in her local community. Jesse’s heart to serve and protect has opened up doors of opportunity in both personal and professional arenas. Jesse understands that it is the people who make a business or organization successful. She has dedicated her educational, personal and professional life to building programs and systems that make that happen. Jesse is looking forward to helping pioneer the Joyful Living Joyful Giving Foundation.

  • Marlene Affleck

    Fellow Sojourner / Secretary

    Living in Pakistan when it wasn’t cool or the thing to do for over a decade has nuanced Marlene’s perspective on life. Her lenses and grasp of the understanding that sometimes things take longer or maybe even harder than anticipated pushed her forwarded as a researcher and grant writer for several non-profits in Canada. Marlene has a grip on the reality that grants are awarded because of partnership. This expert anticipates what that type of empowerment for others might be realized through the Joyful Living Joyful Giving Foundation.

  • Peter Fassbender

    Forever Friend / Director

    Serving by leading and leading by serving has been Peter’s lifetime mantra as he has given his life to private and public service – all for the benefit of others. This mindset for service birthed in his early years. His attention to good old-fashioned customer service found Peter on the team in his early years pioneering one of Canada’s most successful marketing firms. With a heart set on building bridges, Peter is determining to bring that skill set to the Joyful Living Joyful Giving Foundation as new ideas and initiatives are considered in the days ahead.