Adapted from Ray & Doris’ Journal

Early in the journey, shortly after the prognosis of having stage 4 esophageal cancer, Ray asked the family to pray earnestly that he would not lose his sense of humour. God had gifted Ray with a keen sense of humour, and we acknowledged and affirmed that this was a spiritual gift. He started wondering what posture and approach he needed to face 25 days of radiation and five days of chemo.

His question:

What could we bring to the party - our hope and faith, but also some fun?

Hence, the Socks. Teresa Sandhu, a friend of both Ray and I, wrote a book, "Walking with God: Praying Through Footwork Metaphors in Scripture," where she introduces 50 footwork metaphors for reflection, study, and prayer. What a great idea for facing the road ahead and dressing for the part!

Ray decided he needed socks – lots of socks. We bought socks, friends made socks, gifted socks, and socks just kept showing up. Ray brought the sock metaphor into the waiting rooms; the radiologists were always anticipating his appointments, and they all came to see what he had on his feet as he climbed into the machine each day. And the chemo nurses LOVED the hand-knitted beauties. Socks opened so many conversations that allowed other patients to laugh.  Ray often had the whole waiting room laughing.

It was all of this hard stuff, technical, medical, scientific details coupled with the softer, deeper internal stuff where the rubber hits the road, the faith-filled, hopeful, JOYFUL, day-to-day experiences, that was what the whole great big adventure was about.

And then, one day, a box arrived in the mail from one of Doris’s colleagues. The enclosed card read:

One night last week I was feeling helpless. I wanted to do something more than just pray for you. And I started thinking about your colorful strong spirit being expressed in your socks. So at 1:00 am, I posted a note about you on the Mom's Group Facebook page in my town of Wheaton, IL. USA. I asked for everyone to go into their husband's drawer and find a crazy pair of socks to send to you. By morning, my inbox was full, and I spent the next several days driving around collecting socks that were left hanging on doorknobs, in mailboxes, tucked between doors, behind bushes or planters, all in bags that said, "FOR RAY!" So enclosed is that collection. Some are new, some are used, some wild, some conservative, some large, some small (some may even be for a lady, but I know you've got a special one in your life to share these with), and one even has a swear word on the package. Sorry about that but the spirit moved her!

I've never met any of the donors. They don't know you or me.

But their hearts were moved by your story because someone in their lives too had been touched by cancer. So please know that each of these comes to you for all walks of life, each with a prayer, or a blessing, some good vibes or yes, some special mojo.

May they tickle your toes & renew your spirit.

Please know that the town of Wheaton is praying for you.

Deep love and hugs and an extra blessing to you & Doris.

Shari & Larry

This all arrived on the day that Ray had probably been at his lowest physically. On the same day, a nurse at the cancer clinic quickly identified a kindred spirit between us. She took time to connect, realizing that we were all Christians, and so, upon our request, she prayed for Ray.

And so began the sock journey. Friends started giving other people socks, and socks arrived at our house until those final weeks. There were copious amounts of sock pictures sent as encouragements, prayers, and joy.

It doesn’t end here!  The sock journey continues as each year the Joyful Living, Joyful Giving Foundation creates a new special edition sock to gift as thanks to our supporters who meet a donation to our yearly Campaigns. 

Support the RIDE FOR RWANDA campaign for your Ray O 2.0 Socks! 

We promise they will bring joy to your both your feet and your life as you walk the path to Joyful Living.